Season’s Greetings

The ICORIA 2015 London was a great success. Thank you to everyone who attended the conference, and the Chair, Professor George Christodoulides at the Birkbeck University of London and his organizing team. The ICORIA 2016 will be held in the European Green Capital 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia, during June 30 – July 2, 2016. The conference will be chaired by Professor Vesna Žabkar at the University of Ljubljana. We look forward to seeing all of you again there.

Fleming Hansen Award

During 2015, we made some important progress. First, we created the EAA Flemming Hansen Award for excellence in advertising research. Professor John Rossiter was the first recipient of this award in London. He deserves our respect, our admiration, and our deepest gratitude for his unquestionable contribution to our scientific knowledge.

Joint membership

Second, our trial joint membership with the American Academy of Advertising (AAA) has been very successful. We now have more than 70 joint members who enjoy all the benefits of both organizations. The joint membership registration is available at the AAA homepage.


Third, our Board members have been working hard to improve our organization. Hilde Voorveld effectively manages our Web site and Newsletter. Our ICORIA peer review is in good hands with Sophie Boerman. Martin Eisend now edits Advances in Advertising Research VI, while guest-editing a special issue of the International Journal of Advertising based on the best papers from the ICORIA 2015. We owe Sandra Diehl for our efficient financial management. Tobias Langner is responsible for the selection process of our awards, and Sara Rosengren continues her effect to assemble our next edition of Ph.D. Colloquium. Finally, my EAA presidency will end after the ICORIA 2016, and Patrick de Pelsmacker will take over the position.

Unfortunately, Robert Heath has decided to step down from our Board. Robert was one of the founding members who devoted considerable time, effort and resources to the development of the EAA. We want to thank Robert for your long-standing commitment to our organization.

We’re looking forward to 2016 for our further growth. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Shintaro Okazaki
EAA President

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