Call for submissions: EAA Research Grant and ICORIA Student Grant 2025
EAA Research Grant 2025
To support researchers to conduct innovative, excellent research into advertising, the European Advertising Academy provides a yearly EAA Research Grant. Researchers can apply for a maximum of €1,500. All submissions are evaluated on the research quality and relevance, feasibility of the project, and fit with EAA by the EAA Research Grant jury (Alexandra Vignolles, Vesna Žabkar, and Enrique Bigne, chair).
EAA Research Grant applications should be submitted via email to no later than the conference paper submission deadline (March 1, 2025).
ICORIA Student Grant 2025
To encourage junior researchers who provide high-quality advertising research but have limited resources to attend the ICORIA, the European Advertising Academy provides a yearly research grant by waiving the conference fee for up to five young researchers. The ICORIA Student Grant is open to all students (including MSc students) with an accepted paper to the conference. Criteria for selection are financial need, motivation, and research quality.
ICORIA Student Grant applications should be submitted via email to, after the applicant has submitted their research paper to ICORIA, but no later than the conference paper submission deadline (March 1, 2025).