Out now: IJA special issue: research from ICORIA 2023

Out now: the International Journal of Advertising special issue “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger – contributions to advertising research from ICORIA 2023”.

The special issue comprises nine papers that were originally presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) in Bordeaux, France in the summer of 2023.

The issue is edited by (former) EAA board members Nathalie Dens, Liselot Hudders and Sara Rosengren.

This special issue includes papers by many EAA members on varied topics reflecting the dynamic nature of academic advertising research.
The papers by Stefan Rohrbach, Daniel Bruns & Tobias Langner and Yaniv Gvili & Shalom Levy explore how atypical swiping behaviors and incentivizing eWOM. Jolie Gutentag & Christel Russel and Katharina Saile & colleagues focus on sustainability and green advertising. Julian Felix Kopka, Lennart Borgmann & Tobias Langner investigate social media detoxes, Lotte Willemsen, Iris Withuis, Marije Brom & Sophie Boerman virtual influencers, Meda Mucundorfeanu, Delia Cristina Balaban & Marius Iulian Mauer digital manipulation disclosures, and Lin Zhu & Yan Wang financial influencers (finfluencers). Finally, Nicole Hartnett & colleagues suggest measures of attention that make advertising research stronger.

Check the issue out here: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rina20/44/1

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