Call for Proposals: AAA-EAA 2025 Collaborative Research Competition

The American Academy of Advertising – European Advertising Academy Research Fellowship Competition intends to promote collaborations between the American Academy of Advertising (AAA) and European Advertising Academy (EAA) scholars and advertising professionals, offering funding for research and travel to international conferences (AAA, ICORIA) to present research resulting from those collaborations.

Each award is 3,000 € ($3,250). Any topic that is appropriate for potential publication in the Journal of Advertising (JA), the International Journal of Advertising (IJA), Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising (JCIRA), or Journal of Interactive Advertising (JIA) is eligible for the competition.

Awards are based on a competitive review of research proposals. While members can submit as many single or joint proposals as desired within a given year, authors cannot receive funding for more than one proposal. Based on the reviews, should more than one paper containing an author’s name receive high rankings, only the highest-ranking one will be funded.

Proposals must be received by the Chair of the Research Committee, Patrick De Pelsmacker, no later than March 1, 2025. Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged via email. Fax or postal mail submissions are not accepted. Winners will be notified by April 30, 2025. The award will be announced at the conference dinner of ICORIA 2025.

You can find all details about requirements of the team and proposal and the procedure can be found here.

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