Financial Report 2019-2020
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To support researchers to conduct innovative, excellent research into advertising, the European Advertising Academy (EAA) provides a yearly EAA Research Grant. Despite the cancelation of ICORIA this year, we were happy to receive eight submissions to the first issue of…
With our deepest regrets, the EAA board together with the conference organizers have decided to CANCEL ICORIA 2020 and to postpone it to June 2021, when we hope to welcome you in much safer circumstances. This has been a very…
The EAA grants the Fleming Hansen Award every second year. This long-term impact award honors a scholar who has made contributions to distinguished scholarship in advertising research. This year, the Award Jury and Selection Committee was made up of Edward…
Bordeaux, France hosts EAA’s 19th annual conference The 19th International Conference on Research in Advertising 2020 will be held in Bordeaux (France). Formerly known as the Sleeping Beauty, Bordeaux has completed its transformation: beyond vineyards and beaches, Bordeaux is an…
An updated version of the ICORIA 2019-programme can be downloaded here (.pdf).
Krems offers accommodation from luxurious spa stays to budget business stay. A special experience might be staying at a Bed and Breakfast at a winery as many of them also let rooms. Visit to find the most suitable accommodation.…
Krems, Austria hosts EAA’s 18th annual conference The 18th International Conference on Research in Advertising 2019 will be held in Krems Austria, known as one of the oldest Austrian cities, the wine capital and recently ranked number 1 in the…
For conference registration, please use the following link.
The 6th Doctoral Colloquium will be held on June 27 in the IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria.